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Ambitious music for an ambitious project: ARABIA with LEVISON WOOD

By January 23, 2020December 14th, 2023Film, Library, Television

Less than two weeks to go to the Broadcast Awards 2020 in London! I am thrilled to have two of our latest projects short-listed.

‘Arabia with Levison Wood’ was an ambitious project right from the outset. The Series Director and I worked in the edit for many hours discussing many different styles and trying different palettes of sound to realise his vision. He was out there in the field filming the series: he had literally felt the heat, the tension, and the extraordinary diversity of culture and scenery across region.

We opted to create our own evolving soundscapes to underpin the tension scenes, and record live guitar to lead the music when Levison was travelling on the road. I also brought in some Turkish players to capture the raw rhythmic and melodic elements of that part of the world.

The result? Lev was very gracious and positive about the music at the London Premiere in Soho last year. It was a project like no other, with a musical score like no other! A hybrid model of commissioned music and production library music – a deal-breaking solution to keep within budget.

Here the library here:

#innovation  #Discovery  #MCPS  #livemusic #levisonwood #hybridsolutions