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Collaborating with film makers around the world…

By September 25, 2019December 14th, 2023Library, Studio

After almost a year of development, our new production music website is nearly ready for launch! We’ve designed a brand new interface to give editors and directors exactly what they need. This includes user profiles, advanced favouriting options, user playlists and access to stems. The aim? To save the edit team as much time as possible when using our ground-breaking, popular library. You can hear it on all five main UK channels almost every day.

We’ve now reached the final stage where we’re collaborating with film-makers, listening to their ideas so that the programming team can tweak the user experience. The site will be launched in October, along with five new albums of music. These feature new sounds and textures from some of the world’s finest sound creators.

Of course, as a composer I still write specially composed music.  These days it is often extra cues to support the library – our ‘hybrid model’.