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New films need new music…

By October 8, 2019December 14th, 2023Library, Studio

We’re nearly there! It’s only a couple of weeks to go until we release our new production music website, featuring incredible new creative search tools. Designed by our own programming team, our unique approach is already saving hours in the edit for film-makers testing the beta version in the UK, Australia and the US.

When the site goes live, we’ll be releasing five new albums of music – some of which has already leaked into projects on BBC1, BBC2, Discovery and CBeebies. Following those new albums is a live ‘piano album’ – currently being mastered. The seventh new album starts today! Hybrid fusion strings… an eagerly awaited addition to the Hybrid Fusion collection.

New films need new music to enhance the viewer experience – always within budget! #librarymusic #innovation #savetime